
Explore a neural network without leaving your browser.


Select a dataset and click play to watch the neural net fit randomly generated sample data.

Neural Net

2 hidden layers
  • 4 neurons
  • 2 neurons
  • 2 neurons
  • 2 neurons
  • 2 neurons


Plotted points represent the sample data the model is fitting. Colors represent the model's classification of different regions of the chart.

What's going on?

This is a simulation of a simple machine learning neural network being fit over time. We first take a few sample points from the a picture that contains a pattern. The objective of the neural network is to estimate the underlying pattern, or in this case, repaint the original picture, using only the information from the sampled data points.

The neural network accomplishes this by 'learning' the training data points by finding a function that maps (x, y) coordinates to colors as accurately as possible, then and reproduces the picture by mapping all the remaining (x, y) coordinates to a color.

Neural Networks, Layers, Neurons

Neural networks are a type of machine learning algorithm that takes inspiration from the brain. Neural networks are often used for classification problems and somewhat architecturally similar to linear regression.

The first layer of neurons is the input layer; this is where the (x, y) coordinates from the data samples come in. These values are then linearly mapped via matrix multiplication ,so the number of neurons in each layer depends on the dimensions of matrix associated with each layer. To make the network more powerful, non-linearity is added by injecting the output into an activation function such as the tanh or sigmoid function. The result of these two operations (the matrix and the activation) is the next layer in the neural network. This process is then repeated multiple times for each layer until it reaches the output layer, which is the estimation.

You may wonder, how do you come up with the values for the matrices? The matrices are first initialized to random values, which are iteratively adjusted via gradient descent. Gradient descent basically adjusts a matrix element according to how much it contributed to the error in approximating the output per given input, for every training data point.

How are the numbers of layers and neurons decided? That's for you to discover! Generally, having too few neurons would lead to a badly fitted model (high bias), and having too many would lead to an over fitted model (high variance).